Euromaidan Press

News and Opinion from Ukraine and Europe on Military and Political Developments.

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Ukraine’s 14 brigades are under-equipped, lacking weapons promised earlier by allies.

In an interview with Bloomberg, shared on YouTube by his office on 4 July, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky disclosed that 14 military brigades are currently under-equipped, lacking the necessary weapons to launch any significant counteroffensive against Russian forces.

As the all-out Russo-Ukrainian war enters its third summer, Zelenskyy addressed the challenges facing Ukraine’s military and their impact on strategic planning. He emphasized that the current situation is not a stalemate, as media suggests, but rather a “problematic situation” that can be resolved with proper tools and determination.

“We have brigades standing without weapons, we have reserves standing, we have 14 brigades that are not fully equipped, which do not have the appropriate weapons, ” Zelenskyy stated. He added that while promised weapon packages have been voted on and discussed, they are arriving “ unfortunately, slowly. “

The Ukrainian leader stressed that launching any counteroffensive without proper equipment is not feasible.

“We want appropriate counteroffensive actions when we are ready. We are ready when weapons arrive. Today there are none, ” he said.

Zelenskyy expressed gratitude for the support from Congress but highlighted the need for faster implementation of aid decisions. He pointed out that the lengthy delays between decisions to support Ukraine and the actual arrival of weapons often allow Russian forces to anticipate Ukrainian moves, making counteroffensives more difficult and time-consuming.

Addressing the timeline for a potential counteroffensive, Zelenskyy said it would happen “ immediately when we have all the equipment that Congress voted for and that European leaders supported .” However, he noted that the schedule remains uncertain due to the prolonged weapon delivery process.


Commenting on a ceasefire, proposed by Hungarian Prime Minister VIktor Orbán during his recent visit to Kyiv, Zelenskyy said he remains skeptical about simple ceasefire agreements. Zelenskyy sees a ceasefire with Russia as complex and precarious, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and trustworthy plan to ensure any cessation of hostilities is effective and enduring.

Ukraine rejects Orban’s ceasefire proposal during Kyiv talks

Zelenskyy stressed that it is important to consider what steps follow a ceasefire, and international oversight is necessary to prevent Russia from exploiting a ceasefire to strengthen its military position. Moreover, he underscores the ongoing lack of accountability for ceasefires with Russia that have failed in the past.


Earlier, former US President Donald Trump repeatedly boasted he could end the Russo-Ukrainian war within 24 hours if re-elected. He reportedly claimed he would have bombed Moscow had Russia invaded Ukraine during his presidency at a campaign event. However, Politico reported that Trump is considering a deal with Putin to freeze NATO expansion and allow Russia to keep some Ukrainian territories.

Now, in the interview with Bloomberg, President Zelenskyy expressed a willingness to meet with Donald Trump to discuss his potential strategies for ending the war in Ukraine, underscoring the necessity of understanding the US’s support level before the upcoming US presidential elections.

“ Because if there are risks to our independence, risks that we will lose statehood, then we want to prepare for this. We want to understand whether in November we will have strong support from the United States or we will be alone ,” he said.


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